
Friday, June 29, 2012

Mencius - Book 1, Part 2, Chapter 3B

'It is said in the Book of Poetry,
"The king blazed with anger,
And he marshalled his hosts,
To stop the march to Chü,
To consolidate the prosperity of Châu,
To meet the expectations of the nation."
This was the valor of king Wan. King Wan, in one burst of his anger, gave repose to all the people of the kingdom.

'In the Book of History it is said, "Heaven having produced the inferior people, made for them rulers and teachers, with the purpose that they should be assisting to God, and therefore distinguished them throughout the four quarters of the land. Whoever are offenders, and whoever are innocent, here am I to deal with them. How dare any under heaven give indulgence to their refractory wills?" There was one man pursuing a violent and disorderly course in the kingdom, and king Wû was ashamed of it. This was the valor of king Wû. He also, by one display of his anger, gave repose to all the people of the kingdom.

'Let now your Majesty also, in one burst of anger, give repose to all the people of the kingdom. The people are only afraid that your Majesty does not love valor.'
~ James Legge translation via ~
Go here to read the introductory post to this serialized version of the Works of Mencius.

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