
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mencius - Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 6

Mencius went to see the king Hsiang of Liang.

On coming out from the interview, he said to some persons, 'When I looked at him from a distance, he did not appear like a sovereign; when I drew near to him, I saw nothing venerable about him. Abruptly he asked me, "How can the kingdom be settled?" I replied, "It will be settled by being united under one sway."

'"Who can so unite it?"

'I replied, "He who has no pleasure in killing men can so unite it."

"'Who can give it to him?"

'I replied, " All the people of the nation will unanimously give it to him. Does your Majesty understand the way of the growing grain? During the seventh and eighth months, when drought prevails, the plants become dry. Then the clouds collect densely in the heavens, they send down torrents of rain, and the grain erects itself, as if by a shoot. When it does so, who can keep it back? Now among the shepherds of men throughout the nation, there is not one who does not find pleasure in killing men. If there were one who did not find pleasure in killing men, all the people in the nation would look towards him with outstretched necks. Such being indeed the case, the people would flock to him, as water flows downwards with a rush, which no one can repress."'
~ James Legge translation via ~
Go here to read the introductory post to this serialized version of the Works of Mencius.

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