
Friday, June 29, 2012

The Color Red

Trey Smith

Corporate profits are at their highest share as a percentage of the economy in almost 50 years. The share of profits being paid in taxes is near its post-World War II low. The government’s share of the economy has actually shrunk in the Obama years, as has government employment.
~ from The Real Story of the Housing Crash by Dean Baker ~
I am highlighting this brief snippet because, as election season gets into full swing, conservatives will try to sell you on the idea that Barack Obama is as red as red can be. Oh yes, they will tell you again and again, the man is a socialist!

The chief problem with this assertion is that it's not true, not by a long shot. Genuine socialists -- people like yours truly -- do not like Obama precisely because he caters to corporate interests. The policies that the president and his administration have pursued have made the financiers on Wall Street very, very happy.

Every single one of the things Baker points to above would not have occurred IF Obama was the pinko commie he's made out to be. But conservatives won't let such facts get in their way! A great deal of their ads this election season explicitly or implicitly won't paint Obama black -- it will be bright red.

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