
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Believe What You Want

Trey Smith

While I may be critical of fundamentalist zealots of the Abrahamic religions, it would be wrong to surmise that I think everybody needs to believe the same way. I certainly don't think that anyone and everyone must embrace the philosophical Taoist framework.

In fact, I really don't give a damn what you choose to believe in. You could worship and/or pay homage to the Grand Salamander, a transient named Bob, the mold that grows on stale bread or your own nostril hairs! Whatever it is (or is not), I say, Go for it.

What matters to me is how you translate your spiritual or cosmic beliefs into action in everyday life. You could spend your life bowing down to a Chia Pet in your mother's basement and I wouldn't think a thing of it so long as you work for the betterment of society and the planet itself.

And this is where my beef comes in with fundamentalists. They espouse narrow beliefs that work against the betterment of their fellow earth residents. Instead of nurturing personal and societal growth, they work to stifle it! They want to dictate what other people think, do and dream. In essence, their whole philosophy is built around the concept of control.

When control is one's modus operandi, you limit the potential of the individual and the group. You erect barriers to keep others from realizing their aspirations and dreams. You demand unlimited freedom for yourself and your "kind," but deny the most basic freedoms for anyone else. You subjugate and oppress the masses to further your own greedy machinations. Worst of all, your whole focus in life is on yourself and others are viewed as expendable pawns to be moved around at will to satisfy your own craven desires.

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