
Monday, May 7, 2012

You'd Be Better Off To Swallow the Whistle

Trey Smith

...not a single government official — not one — has been held legally accountable, either criminally or even civilly, for any War on Terror crimes or abuses; perversely, the only government officials to pay any price were the ones who blew the whistle on those crimes.
~ from More Federal Judge Abdication by Glenn Greenwald ~
In my opinion, there are a lot of examples of how this nation has gone off the rails, but this one is really glaring! Those individuals of conscience -- the ones who risk their careers to expose wrongdoing -- are taken to court and, in many cases, punished, while those with little, if any, conscience, get off free and clear.

It is all the more galling because presidential candidate Barack Obama spent his 2008 campaign saying that he sided with whistleblowers and yet the elected President Obama has gone after whistleblowers at every turn. Talk about a dramatic about-face!

Of course, we wouldn't need to rely on whistleblowers IF our government wasn't so veiled in secrecy. It is because the Obama administration is about as transparent as mud that we need courageous individuals to expose all the things that are being done illegally in our name.

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