
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why Science Matters

Trey Smith

For the last several years (at least!), science has been under attack from conservative forces. While science tells us the earth is billions of years old, we're told to put this information aside because a particular religious document authoritatively informs us that the earth is only 6,000 years old, give or take a few years.

We're told that there is a huge debate (there really isn't such a debate) as to whether or not global warming is real and humans play a big role in it. We're told that evolution is just an unproven theory. We're told there is no proof that all the pollutants large corporations spew into the atmosphere and water can be scientifically shown to cause any specific maladies or diseases.

It seems as if at every turn conservative minds tell us that science doesn't really matter.

Well, try explaining that notion to Robert Dewey, James Curtis Williams and Raymond Jackson! All three men recently were released from prison when scientific DNA analysis proved that they did not commit the crimes they had been convicted of. Dewey lost 16 years of freedom due to his wrongful conviction. Williams and Jackson lost nearly 20 years a piece!

For these three men, along with 290 others since 1989, science matters. It matters a lot!!

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