
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Question of Who VI

Trey Smith

But we are the nation that is burdened by an impassioned rhetoric that asserts that we are the beacon of democracy, that we are captains of our own destiny. Our supposed innocence of the crimes of Empire and rapacious capitalism can be accepted for only so long. Eventually, we too must share the blame for the actions of our government and our economic culture. It is essential that we do hold every level of business and government accountable for every action that betrays America's promise, both at home and abroad.

It is time to stop pretending that we are not also accountable. It is time to end militarism at home and abroad and to put people before profits. It won't be the militarists and the profiteers who make such changes, though. It can only be us.

Otherwise, maybe former Dallas Cowboys coach Bill Parcells had it right, when he said, "You are what your record says you are."
~ from So then Who in the Hell Are We? by Dan DeWalt ~
DeWalt is correct. Though we may like to think otherwise, the blood stains our hands. The American people keep electing these warmongering yahoos. We buy into their rhetoric every election season. We support the worst corporate citizens when we buy their products and services.

There is a way to turn back the tide of dehumanization, but it involves an emotive response that too many Americans seem to have lost: compassion. Instead of a deep caring for other people and beings in conjunction with the planet itself, far too many Americans seem motivated solely by unquenchable desire, fear and hatred.

As long as those three emotions rule our lives, there is little hope for us as a people.

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