
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Question of Who IV

Trey Smith

Meanwhile, a farce of morals plays itself out in an endless cycle in the business world. Siemens, Boeing, Wal-Mart are just three prominent recent examples of corporations which have been exposed for using bribery as a standard business practice. Sam Walton may have started his company with some notion of honest (if ruthless) business practices, but the current business culture promotes success at any cost. Coming in second is for losers, and bribery of foreign (and domestic) officials is just another tool in the toolbox, as they like to say.
~ from So then Who in the Hell Are We? by Dan DeWalt ~
In today's business world, consumers have become a faceless mass whose SOLE purpose in life is to enrich the few at the expense of the many. Because the corporate big wigs view us as a dehumanized rabble, it becomes easy to treat us like pawns on a global chessboard. When they decide to sacrifice a few pawns here and there to advance their agenda of anti-democracy and short-term profits, they undermine communities and, in many cases, people's lives.

Look at the way many of this nation's leading corporations deal with the unwashed masses in places like Central America, Indonesia and China. They look the other way when workers are treated like little more than slaves. They seem wholly unconcerned with the environmental degradation their enterprises cause. They are not above supporting war and suppression to keep the labor force docile and pliable.

The ONLY thing that really matters is keeping costs as low as possible so that the big wigs can pocket as much wealth as possible. And these ruthless folks can sleep soundly in their beds at night because they have dehumanized both their workers and the consuming public!

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