
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Oh So Fragile

Trey Smith

We received shocking news in our household on Friday afternoon. One of our nieces -- a young woman all of 33 years old -- had suffered a severe heart attack due to postpartum blood clots. Doctors initially were able to remove two of the three clots, but there is now a significant tear in her heart muscle. She underwent double bypass surgery this morning and appears to have made it through alright. This most critical period for her is during the next 48 hours.

Though I don't know this niece as an adult that well -- I last saw her when she was 13 -- the news still took me aback. You simply don't expect to hear of these types of issues in someone so young.

It only underscores the fragility of life. One day my niece is mothering her three children and the next day she is housed in ICU unsure if she will live another week. It goes to show that we never know when life will take a final dramatic turn -- a turn towards our death.

One moment everything is swell and then everything is not. It is a reminder to us all to embrace the life that we have...while we have it.


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