
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Friend Murphy

Trey Smith

For the past 6 weeks or so, I have written almost all of my posts days in advance. What was posted by me this morning was most likely written on Friday or Saturday. I have adopted this tack because of my up-and-down health issues. There are days when I have a lot of energy (relatively speaking, of course). On those days, I write posts several days to as much as one week in advance. Just as often, I have bad days. When these come around, I often lack the focus to string more than a few cogent words together!

As I have been dealing with a nasty fibro flare-up for the past week or so, it has impacted my daily writing regimen. I haven't been writing as much or as often and this brought me to today -- a day I had yet to schedule my usual 6:30 pm post.

I got up this morning with a post idea in mind, but, before I could begin to write it in the Blogger editor, my friend Murphy dropped by. At the moment I was inspired to start pecking away at the keyboard, something weird happened. The telephone rang in an odd sort of way (an unusual ring pattern) and then the line went dead. At the very same time, my broadband went out. And so, on the one day in the past 2 months or so when I didn't have all my posts scheduled in advance, I lost my internet capability!

We later learned that the folks putting in the new sewer lines somehow messed up the Centurylink transfer box. (Way to go, guys!) The Centurylink technicians have been working all day to get service restored. It's still out, but fortunately, my wife's wireless connection is working again!

Isn't this the way Murphy always works? He seems to decide to visit at the most inconvenient times!

Oh well. It is what it is.

1 comment:

  1. Trey,
    We understand how frustrating it is when services you rely on are down and apologize for the inconvenience it has caused you. If you are still experiencing problems or need assistance in the future we can be found on Facebook, Twitter or our email address

    Have a great day!
    Centurylink Help


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