
Friday, April 20, 2012

It's Work for Us, But Not for You!

Trey Smith

In the world of social conservatives, the family is front and center. Their vision for the perfect world is one in which daddy earns the big bucks, while mommy stays home to run the house and raise the children. In recent years, the male patriarchs have even gone as far as to agree that running the house and raising children is work, not as hard of work as daddies do, but it still takes a good dose of moxie and energy.

To review, the stay-at-home mother is a paragon of virtue. It is what every woman should aim to be...unless that woman happens to be from a family of limited financial means! If that's the case, then all bets are off.

If daddy doesn't bring home the big bucks OR there is no daddy in the picture, mommy is told she cannot stay at home. She must go out to work in the workaday world. She is told that her children must raise themselves.

If she stays home and draws some of form of government-based financial assistance, she is the opposite of a paragon of virtue. She's a freeloader! She's lazy! She's a slut! Heck, she might even be a drug addict!

It doesn't matter if she stays home because she wants to raise her children to be caring and responsible adults. It doesn't matter if she wants to instill in them good Christian morals. It doesn't matter if she wants to steer them away from alcohol, drugs, gang violence or crime. While all these reasons are acceptable for a mother of means, they are in no way acceptable for her!

She must work long hours and not complain. She must accept that the higher ups will complain that her children are not properly supervised and, maybe, completely out-of-control. And she must swallow hard when she hears others say that she shouldn't be a mother in the first place.

Yes, social conservatives idolize the stay-at-home long as mom is a card carrying member of the ruling elite. Sadly, if you aren't a member of "the club," they don't give a damn about you or your kids!

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