
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Apocalypse Now

Trey Smith

A big story in the news here in the Pacific Northwest concerns a mother and daughter who were murdered and the search for the prime suspect, the husband/father. Friends of Peter Keller describe him as a survivalist. Here's the part of a recent Reuters article that I find a bit odd, to say the least.
Peter Keller was known to stockpile supplies and was believed to have set up a "fort" in the woods where he hiked, authorities said.

"Peter was described by friends and family as a loner and had a survivalist mentality," authorities said in court papers.

Authorities added that Keller took over $6,000 out of his bank account before the deaths of his wife, Lynnettee, and daughter, Kaylene, and was said to be preparing for the "end of the world." emphasis added
Here's my question: If you think the world is coming to an end, what use is $6,000?

I've heard or read of similar stories before. Some guy gets a crazy notion in his head that the apocalypse is just around the next corner, so he empties his bank account. Why? Is he worried that there are no ATMs in "heaven?"

Taking your money out of the bank would seem to belie the end of the world mentality. It tells me that you're making plans to try to escape to start a new life somewhere else in this temporal world!

1 comment:

  1. I shouldn't give away my plan as I wouldn't want too many people to copy me come some big disaster.

    I'd go to a very large food supermarket and barricade myself in there.


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