
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It Would Be Funny, If It Wasn't So Pathetic

Trey Smith

Let's say there was some kind of major national brouhaha about milk production. Everybody and their uncle weighed in with their take on the situation. On news program after news program, it was the lead story. It got to the point that you couldn't turn on the telly or crack open a newspaper without being slammed in the face with the word M-I-L-K.

Some enterprising (and grandstanding) elected official decides to hold hearings to investigate all the ends and outs of milk production. It is broadcast on C-SPAN, so you decide to check it out to see what all the furor is about. After making his bellicose opening statement, the representative introduces the various luminaries who will testify at the hearing.

It's a diverse group. There are three grocery store owners, a has-been actor who pitches dairy products on TV, a gourmet chef who specializes in recipes featuring dairy products, a general who talks about the importance of milk to service personnel, a veterinarian who warns that giving cats too much milk is bad for their health and several lobbyists for a variety of business concerns that intersect with milk in some vague manner.

Of all the various people scheduled to testify, you quickly notice there is one glaring omission: there is not one single person who works in the dairy industry itself! There is no one to provide information on how dairy products currently are produced.

Wouldn't that simply blow your mind? Wouldn't you think that the representative who called the hearing had his head up his ass?

Now, switch the topic from milk production to contraception and you end up with this (courtesy of Cenk Uygur of the The Young Turks)!

1 comment:

  1. All those guys can buy their condoms over the counter...they've done their part!


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