
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Human error


As part of an initiative at work I was asked to give reasons why certain things had gone wrong, so the company may learn and develop better procedure. Partly, the boss wanted to show me up and point personal blame. It went a little like this:

Boss "I want two non-conformance reports on my desk!"

I placed two blank forms on his desk as he was busy on the phone.

Later he said "invisible ink huh?"

"No, you asked for two reports, that's what I gave you"

"Please, just fill them in when you can"

I did nothing and when I arrived this morning, having no intention of ever doing anything about it, I found myself grabbing a report and writing on it: 'these things went wrong, we can never assume that all things will always be right all of the time.' [Inferred: "get over it, move on"]

I wandered off and went about my day. Later, when a friend asked about it I said: "heh, well, human error, what can we do?" And I went off.

In a moment, I considered the farce of it all and the insanity of humanity laying claim to action and defining it good or bad. Ever heard of "animal error"? I thought.

Yes, I amused myself in various scenarios, the error of a flower, the day a tree branched off "the wrong way", the day a dog barked and it all came out wrong. Haha! Silly games. What happened, seemed to be what happened. Just the flow.

Today was a great day, then, so was yesterday, it's only opinion.

You can check out Ta-Wan's other musings here.

1 comment:

  1. I only hope that tomorrow, after the "lessons learned" meeting, you do not get fired. That's how it would go in the company from which I recently resigned (of my own volition).


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