
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

This Post Has Been Deleted

Trey Smith

The post that was going to go in this space at this time has been deleted. It didn't meet my standards -- whatever those are -- and so I bade it farewell.

This happenstance does not occur very often. Since this blog's inception in 2005, I've written literally thousands of posts. During this time period, I rarely delete something I've started -- maybe as few as ten or twenty. I usually set it aside in draft form and come back to it days or weeks later.

But the post that had been scheduled to appear at this time simply didn't have the right feel. It didn't flow in the way I thought it might. It was too disjointed and uneven. I tried to smooth it out, but it was a no-go.

The upshot is that, instead of reading the post that I had intended to go right here, you are reading a post that tells you that it isn't here after all.

If you would like to read the post that isn't here, you'll need to search for it in the ether. If you find it, please leave a comment here and tell me what you think of it.

1 comment:

  1. Damn, now you've really got me curious about what was in that poor deleted post! lol


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