
Monday, September 19, 2011

Tougher Than God Himself

So I'm watching Countdown with Keith Olbermann tonight. David Shuster is sitting in for Keith and, in the last segment, the guest is satirist Andy Borowitz. The topic is Michele Bachmann, one of the candidates for the GOP presidential nomination next year.

It seems that Bachmann appeared on The Tonight Show last Friday. Host Jay Leno actually asked her some serious questions in regards to her recent statements about HPV (Human papillomavirus) vaccines and homosexuality. Bachmann didn't answer any of the questions very well and later described the questions as "gotcha" questions.

In my opinion, Borowitz made a very astute observation. Bachmann claims that she talks to God everyday, yet God did not forewarn her that Leno would ask some very pointed questions about her political statements. This begs the question: What do she and God talk about then?

If you've heard the story, God supposedly convinced Bachmann to run for the presidential nomination. This would seem to indicate the big guy is pulling for her. If so, what kind of bona fide campaign strategist is he IF he can't help prepare his anointed candidate to answer something other than softball questions?

It also makes one wonder WHY God allowed Leno to pose these tough questions in the first place. Since he IS all-powerful, he easily could have wiped the cue cards clean just as Leno prepared to ask the first question.

Just wondering what's really going on here. Is Jay Leno tougher than Gawd?

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