
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Those Shameful Liberal Bigots!

Obama supporters have decided to roll out the big guns even earlier than I thought. In a column in The Nation, Melissa Harris-Perry has developed a novel stratagem. It goes like this: If you are white liberal and you voted for Barack Obama in 2008, you will expose your racist tendencies if you don't vote for him in 2012!

According to her calculus, Obama's track record isn't an important variable. It makes no difference that Obama surrounded himself with many of the very people who helped to drag this country and the world into a colossal economic mess. It is not worth a serious consideration that the president has ignored or backtracked on the vast majority of his campaign pledges. And no liberal should get their panties in a wad because Obama has continued and expanded upon many of his predecessor's worst policy initiatives.

The ONLY thing that matters is the color of his skin. If you're white and liberal, you owe it to the nation to vote for the black guy!

It sounds to me like Harris-Perry is no more interested in entering a post-racial society than your average redneck! While the latter refuses to vote for someone who is black, Harris-Perry says you must vote for someone who is black.

Part of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "dream" was for each of us to be judged by the content of our character, not by the color of our skin. I share Dr. King's sentiments. While there is no question that people of color often are given a short shrift in our society, this in no ways suggests that it is in the best interests of this nation to elect a president based solely on his or her skin color.

Doing that -- in and of itself -- is a form of racism too!!

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