
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ignoring the Obvious

A slew of liberal pundits as well as the lefty blogosphere have been all a twitter over the past two days after President Obama gave a rah-rah speech on Monday. He declared that the rich need to pay their share of taxes and that he will veto any legislation that does not include tax hikes on the wealthy. Several people have remarked that "he finally gets it" and is starting to behave like a true Democrat again.

Well, that's one way to look at it. Of course, such an analysis ignores one obvious point: Obama is starting to sound more like candidate Obama did in 2008. So, a different analysis is that the president merely has climbed back into candidate mode with the election a little more than one year away.

We've seen this side of him before. As a candidate for the presidency, he said quite a lot of things to charge up his base. Once safely in office, he backtracked on the vast majority of his pledges.

Consequently, I think what he's up to now is nothing more than a ploy to try to convince liberals that he really is on "their side." He'll pretend to fight the good fight and then blame the GOP when he signs legislation that he is now vowing not to sign. This act will be enough, however, to fool a good number of liberals to back him to the hilt in 2012.

If re-elected, I'm confident he will return to the same form that we've witnessed over the past 3+ years...and liberals will be just as dismayed that they allowed themselves to be fooled again.

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