
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Am Tired of the Killing

Despite far more than reasonable doubt, Troy Davis was executed this evening by the State of Georgia. In my view, whether the man was guilty or innocent, is immaterial. In either case, it amounts to premeditated murder. I have never understood the notion that it's okay for the state to plan the killing of one or more persons because one or more persons have planned and carried out the murders of others. If it's wrong in the second instance, shouldn't it be just as wrong in the first?

I do understand, however, that there are some people in this world who rightfully are upset at all the attention this one case has received. All the people in predominantly Muslim countries who have lost loved ones to drone attacks or as the result of US-led wars want to know when the world community will focus on their plights. Some of these murdered victims may well fit the general definition of "terrorists," while just as many, if not more, do not.

While many will say that the terrorists got what they deserved, what about all the innocents -- including many children -- who have suddenly had their lives snuffed out? How will their families ever find peace, particularly when the US continues to rain indiscriminate death from the skies?

Each and everyday there is unnecessary death. You can't crack open a newspaper, listen to a news report or visit a news website and not be presented with it. Some of these deaths are caused by needles (lethal injection). Some are caused by bombs, missiles and bullets. Just as many are caused by hunger, malnutrition, thirst or societal neglect.

Every major religion and philosophical system speaks of the preciousness of this life we have been granted. Each talks about the negative consequences of unneeded death. Each implores us to create societies of love, justice and mutual respect. Each teaches the importance of valuing the life of each being and form.

At this point in the evolution of human behavior, we have failed miserably. The killings continue unabated. I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of it!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Some people are too dangerous to have roaming the streets (and I'm not necessarily talking about terrorists - there are plenty of home killers, molesters etc around).

    It costs too much to keep them incarcerated, so killing is a cheaper option.


    It might be good if we could provide them with an Island with no technology, but enough resources to grow their own food (and books to tell them how).

    You wouldn't need jailers because there'd be no way off the island.

    That would stop the killing (unless they do it themselves). After all, that's how Australia started.

    I wonder which islands we could use?


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