
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All There in Black and White

Here's something that should blow your mind. Do you know what enterprise employs more people than any other? According to The Economist, the top prize goes to...the US Department of Defense!! Yes, the US military-industrial complex beats out even Walmart and McDonald's!

This revelation certainly says a lot about what is wrong with this nation. We employ more people in our war-making branch of government than any other government agency or corporation. With over 3.2 million employees, is it any wonder that we keep inventing new wars to fight? Gotta have projects for all those folks to work on, don't we?

Imagine if, instead of the military being the top employer, the leader was the US Department of Health, Education & Welfare or a newly-created agency tasked with fixing up America's crumbling infrastructure. That would send a pro-active message to the world. That would signal that we place the health and safety of our people before anything else.

Unfortunately, the message we project is malevolent. Get in our way or don't do what we ask and we will make you pay! That's right, you will pay in destroyed infrastructure, stolen natural resources and the blood of your citizens.

Ooh! Another example of B-A-D American exceptionalism.

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