
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kucinich Blasts President, Congress

"He got the deal he wanted."

When Rep. Dennis Kucinich uttered these words -- more than once -- he wasn't referring to Grover Norquist, Mitch McConnell or John Boehner. He wasn't talking about Rush Limbaugh, one of the Koch brothers or anyone in the Tea Party.

No, he was referring to President Barack Obama. Kucinich doesn't believe the president is a bad negotiator or that he painted himself into a corner re the debt ceiling deal. Kucinich believes the president got the deal he wanted all along.

In an interview on TruthDig Radio (listen to it here -- it's segment #4), the Ohio Congressman doesn't just blast the President and Congress, he states that the meanings of terms like Republican, Democrat, conservative and liberal don't mean much of anything anymore in terms of who governs inside the Washington beltway. All decisions are controlled by corporate interests and the rest is a big charade.

After listening to his broadside, I wonder if he will be taken to task by the political establishment. In the past, Kucinich has had a tendency to make some really bold statements, only to spend the next few days or weeks backtracking (which has always been my chief complaint with him). This time, however, I don't know if it is possible for him to backtrack since he lowered the boom in a very precise manner.

Time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. I would love nothing better than to see Dennis K. walk, no, run away from the Democratic Party. Maybe then I could start taking him seriously again.


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