
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Could We Be Next?

Workers around the world -- the proletariat -- slowly are awakening to what is really going on. As the Wall Street financiers and powers that be in each country try to squeeze every last drop of financial blood from the middle and working classes, massive protests have broken out. In aggregate, millions upon millions have taken to the streets in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, the UK and even Israel!

While wages drop or stagnate and jobs disappear as consumer prices continue to increase, world governments have responded with austerity measures. These plans take away the last vestiges of social safety nets when the vast majority needs them the most. We westerners, in particular, who have grown accustom to a certain level of life, are now being thrown to wolves in order that the capitalists don't lose a single penny of their toxic investments, the very same investments that has driven the world economy to its knees!

One has to wonder when, and if, the United States will be next. Even though Americans, by and large, do not possess the class consciousness of our brethren across the pond, one would hope that, at some point, US citizens will realize we've been had. Our futures are being ransomed for the privileged few.

Unfortunately, our society is far different than most societies and there is a good chance the American sheeple will be unable to put two and two together. So, while workers across the globe come together in the streets to demand change, we will continue to sit mesmerized at our TV screens wondering who the next American Idol winner will be.


  1. We are consumers, not citizens. I don't expect any action.

  2. I thought you might enjoy this article: How America criminalised poverty (


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