
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

You Really Think the Democrats Are on Your Side?

Let's review a bit of recent history. Remember back in December when a supposedly besieged President Obama "agreed" to extend the Bush tax cuts and, as part of the package, the worker's share of payroll taxes for Social Security were reduced by two percentage points for one year?

Do you remember what the liberal wing of the Democratic Party -- those who opposed this dreadful package -- were most afraid of? They were afraid that members of the GOP would seize upon this "tax cut" as it was about to expire and claim that allowing it to expire would represent a tax increase.

Well, it turns out that their fears were misplaced! It is NOT the Republicans who are brandishing this argument; it is members of their own party, including the President himself.
Despite warnings it will undermine Social Security, House Democratic leaders are lining up behind a White House proposal to extend a payroll-tax cut beyond this year.

Reps. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) and John Larson (D-Conn.) announced Friday that they'll throw their weight behind the extended payroll-tax holiday, which President Obama and some leading Senate Democrats are prescribing as an economic stimulant.

"Extending the payroll tax cut for another year will help keep our fragile economic recovery moving forward, create jobs and improve our long-term fiscal outlook," Clyburn, the No. 3 House Democrat, has written in a column to be published Tuesday on the website of the nonprofit Blue Dog Research Forum.

"Allowing this tax holiday to expire would take money out of the pockets of workers in a time of lingering uncertainty, putting the brakes on the economy at a time when we can ill afford it..."
This is what we call pandering for votes, plain and simple.

This call for the tax reduction to be continued is boneheaded times ten. Our leaders and the mainstream media have been screaming for the past two years that the Social Security Fund is running out of money (even though this is not necessarily true). Starving it of revenue will only increase the call for privatization -- something Democrats say they are steadfastly against!

In a political sense, this can aptly be called "shooting yourself in the foot."

Why worry about those dastardly evil Republicans, when Democrats appear to be their own worst enemy!!!

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