
Friday, July 22, 2011

If Not For the Suffering

If not for the suffering it would cause, I would love to see Barack Obama and the Democratic Party utterly trounced in the 2012 elections. Yes, seeing someone like Rick Perry, Mitt Romney or Michelle Bachman as president would be distasteful, but I would love to see the American populace tell the Democratic leadership and their rightward policy initiatives to go suck a lemon!

To be quite honest, I am not convinced the suffering of the vast majority would be much different regardless of which party holds sway. Democrats currently hold 2/3 of the power and they are getting set to decimate the services and programs too many of us depend on. How could the Republicans realistically make it any worse? It should be remembered that it is the President, not the GOP, who has offered the biggest cuts in spending that do not include any meaningful reductions for the Department of Defense.

So, I think I will amend my earlier statement. I hope the Democratic Party does go down in flames in 2012. I hope American voters punish them severely for trying (and probably succeeding) in out Republicanning the Republicans.

It would be my hope that they would hear the American people loud and clear. It would be my hope that they would come to realize that Obama had led them over a cliff. It would be my hope they would, at least, try to reclaim their legacy of genuine liberalism. (Not that I am a big fan of liberalism, but it would be something in opposition to the corporate takeover of America.)

Sadly, if history provides any clues, the leadership wouldn't get that message at all. No, they would decide that they didn't lean far enough to the right.


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