
Saturday, July 9, 2011

If Dubya Was Still Prez

If George W. Bush was still president and he made a proposal basically to destroy Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, you know as well as I do that all hell would break loose. Progressives would be organizing massive protests like what we've seen this year in Wisconsin and Ohio. Democratic leaders would be slamming him over the head at every turn. People would decide that come 2012 there would be no way that Dubya could hope to win reelection.

But since this all is happening with a Democrat in the White House, there has been little outcry. No one seems to be calling for or organizing mass protests of any kind. Far too many Democratic leaders have been bending over backwards to defend the president. The party faithful are gearing up to get their guy reelected.

The thing many of us on the Left feared most with an Obama presidency has come to pass. He completely has co-opted and muted the progressive movement in this nation!! Because he no longer has anything to fear on his left, Obama will succeed where Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. failed before him. Obama is set to christen the Milton Friedman/Shock Doctrine era of America.

What is going to transpire in this country is NOT the fault of the Tea Party nor the Republican Party. When this draconian budget is passed, it will do so on the strength of Democratic Party votes. It will happen because Barack Obama made it happen.

Don't allow yourselves to be fooled. I know a lot of people both in and out of the mainstream media want you to believe that GOP has put a gun to the president's head. They have forced him into a corner he doesn't want to be in, they prattle.

This mantra can be repeated over and over again, but it doesn't make it true. If the Democratic Party still stood with the majority of the people, the Democrat-controlled US Senate would tell the House that they will pass no bill that harms Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security. President Obama would state unequivocally that he would veto any such bill. Since the GOP only controls one chamber of Congress, they would be up the creek without a paddle.

But it is Obama himself -- not the evil GOP -- that is advancing the evisceration of the social safety net. He is proposing more cuts than the most rabid Tea Party Republicans ever dreamed possible! And so, when this budget finally comes to fruition, the blood of countless destroyed lives will be on President Obama's hands of his own free will.

He will have done what George W. Bush so desperately wanted, but could never accomplish: Turning America, once and for all, over to the corporate class to rape and plunder as they see fit.

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