
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Split Personality

If you need a clear example that the United State House of Representatives is a dysfunctional body, it provided that example yesterday. Our elected representatives took two important votes and the results contradicted each other!

The first vote concerned authorizing the non-war "war" in Libya. Over 70% of our representatives voted NOT to authorize our national participation in this deadly farce. It would seem that House members had given a sharp rebuke to the Obama administration.

Oh, but not so fast! The second vote concerned funding the military involvement they had just voted not to authorize. In this case, 57% voted to approve the funding.

Talk about mixed messages! On the one hand, they say we shouldn't be involved in the bombing of Libya, but since we're already doing it, here is the needed money to keep doing it.

Think about how this might translate into real life terms. Let's say you're the parent of a teenage son or daughter. You find that your underage child has been breaking curfew and sneaking off to get drunk. You harangue your progeny for violating house rules and the law, but after you've yelled at them for 60 minutes, you hand them the car keys and a 50 dollar bill. "Try not to say out too late tonight," you coo as they drive off into the sunset.

Do you think such an approach will cause this son or daughter to come home on time and not get sloshed? If you think so, then yesterday's House votes make great sense to you!

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