
Friday, April 1, 2011

Them Ain't Disparate Dots

The point is, there is something loose in America – something predatory and ruthless – that snickers cynically at all this good-hearted rhetoric and, then, turns good-sounding American policy into a rapacious, single-minded and self-serving instrument for those entrenched with power. As is the case with the TARP funds, the interests of wealth and power always seem to find a way to trump efforts to advance the dignity and well-being of the ordinary working American.

This predatory beast is killing us from the bottom up...
~ from "Why Are We In Libya?" by John Grant ~
This is a fascinating essay that draws together what might appear as disparate dots: the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the war in Libya and Naomi Klein's thesis from The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. By the time you reach the bottom of Grant's piece, you will see that they are connected far more than you might have ever thought!

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