
Monday, April 4, 2011

Secret Admirers

Tonight I was watching Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell and a bit of The Rachel Maddow Show. One of the topics was the Republican-version of the federal budget for 2012 written by Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) that is supposed to be released tomorrow. We're told it will be the most radically right federal budget ever proposed and will include such things as an end to Medicare and Medicaid as we know them.

Another story discussed this evening was the fact that President Obama officially announced today that he is seeking re-election.

As I sat there, it dawned on me that these two stores are related. Call me crazy, but I think the Tea Party advocates WANT Obama to be re-elected!

On the surface, I realize that many of you will think I have finally lost it. Who knows? Maybe I have. But I have begun to see the Tea Party in a completely new light.

By making all these outrageous proposals, they actually make Obama seem more reasonable. If left to his own devices, he would have an almost impossible task at trying to regain the "We Can Do It" mentality of his electoral base. However, in the face of these crazy initiatives advanced by the Tea Party-pushed GOP, Obama comes out looking like the compromise candidate.

Yes, he might not appeal to more conventional Republicans and he certainly doesn't appeal to voters left of center, but when compared to these zany candidates, he comes out smelling like a rose! It would seem to be a recipe to insure he is re-elected.

At this juncture, some of you will ask: Why would Tea Party folks want him re-elected. The obvious answer is that he provides them with political cover AND he basically allows traditional Republicans to get what they want.

The way things have been working in our nation's capitol is as follows: The radical right floats out a crazy idea. Obama immediately moves to the right. After shifting his position, he agrees to a compromise...which is further to the right. The so-called compromise is squarely where traditional Republicans started from.

If the compromise legislation or regulation proves successful and/or popular, the Tea Party can brag that it only came to be because of their advocacy. If the compromise legislation or regulation proves unsuccessful and/or unpopular, then Obama gets blamed because, as we all should know, he's really a socialist Muslim bent on destroying the country.

They won't be able to play this game with a Republican occupying the Oval Office. In that case, they would have to take ownership of such legislation or regulations. If these proved unpopular -- which they know many of them would -- they would take the political hit. So, it really serves their purposes to insure Obama wins a second term.

This analysis also goes hand-in-hand with the observation by many that the current GOP field looks remarkably weak. Why put up a strong Republican opponent when things are going swimmingly well as they are right now. A weak candidate provides the facade of a race, but virtually guarantees the outcome -- another 4 years of Obama.

1 comment:

  1. No, you aren't losing it at all; you're getting it! If only more of us would catch on to the game and start voting for ANY candidate or party but the big two - even a write-in for None-of-the-above would be a step in the right direction. I'm becoming convinced that the biggest roadblock we on the left face is voter apathy and the 'wasted vote syndrome' that keeps people voting for the so-called lesser of two evils. If everyone would vote for something other than D's or R's, eventually someone like Maddow could come along an point out that 60% or 70% of voters are voting for something else, even if that something else isn't all the same choice. We've got to find a way to discredit the legitimacy of our rigged elections. Somebody call Jimmy Carter!


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