
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oh So Many Words

With over 4,600 posts on this blog -- the majority penned in the past two years -- Scott and I produce a lot of words. It takes a degree of discipline to write day in and day out. It also takes a lot of thinking; some days that thinking is clearer than others!

There is no question that your trusty scribes will write things here that you see as astute and enlightened and there is no question that those same scribes will write things that you find to be obtuse and wrong-headed. When two blokes share so much thought and information, there are bound to be a multiplicity of reactions.

I am confident that there are times one or both of us seem to contradict ourselves. We focus on one aspect of a topic for several posts and then, without warning, we seem to be skipping down an altogether different path. There may also be times we seem to argue all sides of an issue simultaneously or not seem to argue any side at all.

I make no apologies for these inconsistencies and I bet Scott wouldn't either. This blog doesn't serve as some sort of treatise; it is more akin to free word association. Something piques an interest and then one of us writes what comes to mind at the given moment. Often these ideas are similar to ones we've written about before; some of the time they aren't.

Speaking for me personally, a lot of the verbiage you find on this blog written by yours truly is nothing more than my own thinking out loud. While I recognize that I sometimes sound like I have come to some definite conclusions, I think this born more of my particular style of writing than anything else. While I certainly have my own beliefs, perspectives, prejudices and biases, my thought processes are ever evolving.

In other words, what I may write emphatically today may not represent where I stand tomorrow. I'm a work in progress.


  1. Well, aren't we all...

    Copy editor attack: "verbiage" is kind of a negative term, means excess words, verbosity. Sometimes people ask me, as a corporate writer, for some "verbiage" on something. I always have to laugh at that.

    Don't know if you really meant "verbiage" or not.

  2. Well, hardly anyone ever uses it correctly...bravo to you.


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