
Thursday, March 31, 2011

More Tasty Revelations

I seem to be in one of these periods in which I am revealing more about myself and how I look at things, so this post will continue along that path.

I actually think this is a good exercise on any blog from time to time. New regular readers are always stopping by and, anytime you enter an enterprise mid-stream, it can be helpful if someone hands you a generalized map that shows the basic lay of the land. It can also be helpful for long-time readers too if, for no other reason, than to remind what the perceived goals are.

One complaint I receive every so often is that I am obsessed with discussing and critiquing the Christian religion. While I readily admit that I have a strong tendency to obsess on things, I don't think this is one of them! In fact, I think it's the other way around. The society I live in is obsessed with Judeo-Christian perspective and, as an amateur philosopher and social critic, I write about the events and ideas in the world around me.

Almost everywhere one looks in this country, you can find the fingerprints of Judeo-Christian values and ideals. As one example, prostitution is illegal in every state except Nevada. Why is it illegal? Because Christians (note to Christians: Muslims too!) believe it is sinful. It is interesting to note that in the more-secularized Europe, prostitution both is legal and regulated.

There has been a big push in the US for nearly 30 years to outlaw abortion. The impetus for this push is not based on any type of scientific or medical data; it is completely bound up in the conservative Christian belief in what constitutes the beginning of life of the human soul. As with prostitution, in more secular societies, abortion is legal and widely available.

Another issue in which Christianity weighs in heavily is in our government's tendency toward war. Many of the most rabid war hawks are also rabid Christians. They believe it is not only moral to attack Muslim nations, but many would see absolutely nothing wrong with preemptively carpet bombing the entirety of the Muslim world.

Finally, if one takes a look at our economic system (profits before people), many of its greatest champions quote the Christian Bible incessantly to support exalting the rich and powerful, while subjugating everyone else. For the most part, the Christian Church historically has been one of the loudest cheerleaders of the spread of global (Chicago-style) capitalism.

On issue after issue, there almost always is a Christian component that figures prominently.

So, if I am to write on philosophic ideas and current events, about the ONLY way I could avoid focusing on Christian ideals is if I treat the subject matter to a very superficial analysis. Since I try to scratch below the surface of each post's topic, it is inevitable that my critique of Christianity will pop up frequently.

Of course, you are entitled to your own opinion on this or any other matter. I openly admit that this is solely the way I view it.


  1. It is unfortunate that political involvement has tarnished the reputation of the faith of many believers. Just as many in our own government are "rabid Christians" so too are the Taliban and Iranian clerics "rabid Muslims."

    It was predicted sometime in in the '80s that "fundamentalism" would become a fearful force in domestic and international politics in the 21st Century, coloring the conflicts and policies.

    Maybe this is why I am interested in observing China where after decades of repression, Buddhism, Taoism (and certain other "faith" practices, including Christianity) are making a strong comeback--as long as they don't provoke the government (e.g., Falun Gong). This is an example of separation of church and state. (Not that the Chinese government--which not only legalizes abortion, but encourages it-- is very well informed morally by its practitioners; they have their own religion, called the CCP.)

  2. I think that, if we look back through the annals of history, fundamentalism or ideological orthodoxy tend to rise during transitional periods. With various aspects of life changing at a rapid pace, many want to return to so-called "simpler" times.


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