
Friday, March 18, 2011

M M M...My Sharia

Conservative groups, pundits and legislators are all agog about Sharia law. Legislation has been introduced in several states to declare that Islamic law will not be used in American courts. Sharia law is bad, bad stuff...unless you are known as Raymond Davis!! Mr. Davis should thank his lucky stars and Allah that he was arrested for murder in a nation that observes Sharia.

As reported Wednesday by TPMMuckraker, the CIA operative (who was indicted on 2 counts of murder in Pakistan) was allowed to walk free after the US government agreed to compensate the victim's families to the tune of $700,000 a piece.

While I usually don't agree with almost anything supported by the right wing fringe, I am actually overjoyed that they are pushing a ban of Sharia law in US courts. Why? Because the rich would use it to get away with murder!!

I can see it now. Some rich slob -- a guy who knows absolutely NOTHING about the Muslim faith -- would suddenly claim that he converted to Islam only days before violently murdering his business partner or in-laws. With his well-heeled attorneys and accountants in tow, he would make an offer to the victim's family that, in this money-crazed world, they simply couldn't refuse.

Without this vital legislation, his legal team would parade into court to announce a settlement had been reached with the family and the judge would be forced to accept it. The murderous SOB would then hold a press conference to announce how sorry he was for his actions and that he will donate millions of dollars to some worthy cause to show his "heartfelt" contrition.

As soon as everything was signed, sealed and delivered, the murderous SOB would have an epiphany and convert to fundamentalist Christianity. He would become an instant celebrity and maybe even develop a website that taught other rich SOBs how to utilize Sharia law to get away with murder and other assorted crimes.

(My apologies to The Knack for adulterating their hit song, My Sharona, in the title of this post.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm not really clear on the move to ban Sharia. Don't we already have the First Amendment banning government from making any law respecting a religion?


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