
Monday, January 10, 2011

The Wrong Drawer

I have now lived in this house in South Bend for over 3 1/2 years. My bedroom has been in the same place during the entire time. I have three drawers built into the wall that serve as my dresser and I can never remember which items of clothing go in which drawers!

If I need a clean pair of socks, it's an almost ironclad guarantee that I first will open the underwear or shirt drawer. If I need to put on a different union suit (underwear drawer), you can be sure I will open the sock drawer. The two drawers I invariably mix up the most often are the sock and underwear drawers. At one point, I decided to switch them to see if this would solve the problem. Of course, it didn't!!

At another juncture, I decided to label the drawers. In big letters, I wrote S-O-C-K-S and U-N-D-E-R-W-E-A-R and affixed these labels to the appropriate drawer. This in no way mitigated the problem because, in time, I simply didn't see the labels -- My mind sort of blanks on them.

This tendency use to frustrate me to no end. I've made my peace with it now. When I open the wrong drawer or drawers, I simply shut them until I get to the correct one. I mean, it's not like it's a matter of life and death. :-)

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