
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Six in the Can

Today marks the beginning of this blog's 7th year of continuous publication. In that time, over 4,100 posts have been written and shared with you. Some have been fabulously written by one of your two authors and some have been...well...suitable for the nearest trash can.

In looking back over these 6 years, one can certainly tell the blog has gone through fits and starts. In its inaugural year (2005), there were 254 posts. In 2006, the number fell to 155 posts. In 2007 and 2008, I only managed a meager 110 and 115 posts, respectively. So, over the course of the first 4 years, there was a total of 634 posts.

As noted in the first paragraph, we are now over 4,100 entries, so it should be very easy to see that the vast majority have come in the last two years!! Of course, one of the reasons for this up tick is the inclusion of Scott Bradley's wondrous prose and poetry. I continue to feel honored that he has allowed me to share his beautiful gifts with the world through this medium!!

Another thing that has changed is the manner in which I write blog posts. In the early days, I wrote what was on my mind at a specific moment and then published it right then. I rarely do that anymore; I'd guess that only 10% of my pieces are written near the time they post.

Some are penned earlier that day or the night before. Some were written a few days back and many are written as much as several weeks ago. This is particularly the case with the many ongoing series. I tend to write them in batches, spending several hours pecking away on my keyboard and then scheduling each one to appear at the appropriate time.

As an example of what I'm sharing with you, I'm writing this very post in the wee hours of the morning on Monday, January 24! :-)

While many blogs have come and gone, I have no plans to go anywhere. You can expect to continue to read my musings and, hopefully, more of Scott's in the weeks and months to come. I figure that as long as I'm halfway sentient and I have the ability to write, I will.


  1. Yeah, what is the story with Scott Bradley posting through this site? Always kinda wondered about that, never read a blog with multiple authors like that, except couples and such.

  2. One day Scott happened on this blog. He sent me an email and we started an off-line conversation. In time, he shared some of his writings with me.

    I suggested he start a blog or, if not interested in that, he could join this blog as a writer. In the end, he offered to allow me to format what he sends me as he often doesn't have internet service on his boat that he lives in on the Sea of Cortez, Mexico.

    So, from time to time, he sends me his essays and creative works. I dice them up into blog-sized posts. Except for catching a very few spelling errors and missed punctuation, what he writes is what you see.

    Right now, there is a young man in Canada who is mulling over an offer to join the blog as a writer.

  3. Congratulations and Happy Year of Rabbit (Tu); you may have a lunaar year cycle going.

    Your prolific-ness -- if that's a word -- is what keeps many of us coming back, I think. I don't follow a lot of blogs, and some of my favorites are so sporadic...but when I check's new post...39 minutes ago...2 hours ago...always something new.

    And of course, the links.

    And something for everyone.

    Keep up the great work; I admire your dogged daily devotion.

  4. Interesting. The more the merrier, I say, because as baroness said, it's a great blog because it's active. Why not make it a full on North American phenomenon: Mexico, USA, Canada. Rambling Taoists is going global, man!

  5. Happy, er, Birthday! Means there's hope for me yet. Talk about fits and starts. I'm thinking of re-branding my site that way.

    Fits & Starts, it kinds has a nice ring to it ;-)


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