
Monday, January 31, 2011

The Simple Way, Part 54

The Simple Way
The Life & Teachings of Zhouzi
by Scott Bradley

Zhouzi addressed the assembly and said, “What is all this seriousness?! Everywhere I go I see striving and trying and wishing to be. One monk moves slowly as if not part of this world. Another works frantically as if digging a tunnel to freedom. And most of you beat yourselves relentlessly with feelings of failure! Enough! If you cannot relax and laugh at it all, you follow a path other than the one here espoused. When you laugh at yourself, you step through the gate.”

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here. To check out more of Scott's writings, please visit TRT's shadow blog and look in the Table of Contents in the left sidebar.

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