
Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Simple Way, Part 50

The Simple Way
The Life & Teachings of Zhouzi
by Scott Bradley

Shortly following this time, many monks came separately before Zhouzi and expressed their gratitude to him and the community, confessing that though they had realized unity, life was so comfortable there, they had been loath to leave. “For it is a joy to commune with similar minds,” said one, “and a joy to assist others as they find their own way. Yet the community is finite and too many are turned away, so with your blessing I will return to my home.”

Having long noted this monk’s skill in spiritual midwifery, Zhouzi replied, “You have always been free to follow your heart so follow it now to where it might lead. But for my part, I bid you to stay, for your skills are here needed as much as my own. Or perhaps you are ready to plant a new garden elsewhere — there are many now parting who would gladly follow you there.”

So began a sister community.

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here. To check out more of Scott's writings, please visit TRT's shadow blog and look in the Table of Contents in the left sidebar.

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