
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Simple Way, Part 42

The Simple Way
The Life & Teachings of Zhouzi
by Scott Bradley

The logician Chui asked the Master, “Since you claim to know nothing of the Ultimate, how can you then prescribe that one surrender in trust? Why not rather simply despair?”

Zhouzi laughed and said, “But this is precisely what I should prescribe for you! How better for us all to see the folly of disharmony!? But no, my friend, I prescribe nothing at all, but simply follow along with the promptings of life. For to live is to trust, and we simply let life find its expression in us. Why does the flower bloom? Because it must, and it is fulfilled therein.”

“Almost you would convince me to follow your way,” replied Chui.

“But how then would we play this wonderful game!?” retorted Zhouzi. “Yet if in the absence of trust you would truly despair, I will gladly forgo the pleasure of our playful debate.”

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here. To check out more of Scott's writings, please visit TRT's shadow blog and look in the Table of Contents in the left sidebar.

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