
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Scratching My Head

I'm taking another break tonight from my slow trudge through the Bible. In all honesty, I sometimes wish I hadn't signed myself up for this project!! Not only is it very monotonous, at times, but it causes me to scratch my head to try to understand why ANYONE (including a younger version of me) could believe that these books tell a literal story.

If nothing else, what the Old Testament has shared to this point is that the so-called "chosen people" were a war-like, conniving and promiscuous bunch!! They weren't unlike all the other heathens who worshiped different gods.

The big question that defies credulity in my mind is: Why did "God" choose this particular tribe? Every time their God bestows favors upon them, they turn away from him post haste. Every time he punishes them for their evil deeds, they promise to do better and then, as soon as the times have turned toward their favor, they go right back to their evil ways.

One would think that an omnipotent god would figure out their shtick after a while. But not this fellow! Each time they come with hat in hand, he believes in their false sincerity. And each time they eventually turn around to spit in his face.

Here's the other part of the equation that makes little sense to me. While their god bends over backward to forgive his charges again and again and again and again, he seems to have a "one strike and you're out" policy with everyone else. The other tribes in the area get one shot and, if they don't immediately come to the table, their names immediately are scratched off of the "redemption" list.

How could anyone term such a system as fair or just?

I'm very hopeful that, once we move into the Psalms and Proverbs, my flagging interest will be rejuvenated. I'm confident there will be a trove of good material in these two books to highlight the differences between the Christian and Taoist philosophies as well as several instances in which there is congruency.

1 comment:

  1. You might enjoy a little exploration of Biblical archeology, where reality really rears its ugly head.


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