
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It Has Gotten This Bad

Not counting a full day recovering from gallbladder surgery in the hospital, last night was my first night away from home in nearly five years. It didn't go well. Not at all.

I initially laid down around 10:00 p.m. and, except for a brief half-asleep phase from 11:15 - 11:50, I didn't sleep a wink. I tried everything I could think of. I tried reading, watching mindless TV, doing calisthenics, pacing, taking a warm shower and envisioning that I was home on my own little mat on the floor. Nothing worked. I was too on edge.

For most of the night I simply lay there trembling. Being in a strange room in a strange bed freaked me out to no end. Aside from two or three panic attacks, all I managed to accomplish was to toss and turn all night long.

An hour before my alarm was supposed to go off, I decided the entire exercise was pointless! So, I scampered out of bed and got dressed. I left the motel around 6:00 am and went to pick up Della from the sleep center. It turns out that she only faired a little better than I did!!

We went to IHOP for breakfast. About mid-way through, I went to sit in the car because there were too many people (a little less than 1 dozen) in the restaurant. After some brief shopping in two almost vacant stores, we headed for home. Della drove the first 40 miles and I drove the last 35.

Once home, I went up stairs and crawled into my bed. I was asleep within 5 minutes and slept for over 3 hours. I was back in familiar territory; cordoned off from the rest of the world.


  1. HEY RT-

    I so understand - I don't sleep well anywhere but home either. How's life?

    Love Gail

  2. Sorry to hear about the troubling night. I can't quite imagine your angst, as I'm all about travel, but I feel for you all the same. Glad you're back in the comforts of home sweet home. Hopefully you won't have to do anything like this anytime soon.


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