
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Train of Thought

I'm going to describe a situation that I think every person -- blogger or not -- can identify with. I had been thinking about particular topic I wanted to write about today. I spent a bit of time formulating the outline in my head and, after due consideration, I sat down at my keyboard to peck it out.

As the juices were really flowing, I heard a knock at my front door. The dogs went bananas (as they are prone to do). I rush downstairs and spoke to the lady who was there to drop off a holiday gift for my wife. It didn't take all that long, but when I returned to working on the specific post, it took me a while to get the flow sort of going again.

About the time I came to the crux of the particular item, the phone rang. Aaah! Another interruption. It was my wife. After speaking to her for a good 20 minutes, I returned to my nascent blog post and discovered I had completely lost my train of thought. I tried to recreate it, but in short order, I realized that both the engine and the caboose had left me at the station!!

I ended up deleting that post because the chief point I wanted to make got lost somewhere between answering the front door and the phone. It might resurface later on OR it may have disappeared into the ether altogether.

So, in its place, you are now reading a post about me attempting to author another post that, in the end, wasn't written. :-D


  1. Happens to me all the time.
    Imagine trying to write a novel.
    I need to check in to a monastery.

  2. I don't plan my posts I just type, round off my point, and post.

    What came to mind after reading your post was a John Lennon quote (not 100% sure it was him who said it), that he rarely wrote songs down as if they were not good enough that he could remember them then they were not good enough to record.

  3. That happens to me as well!

    Ta Wan, do you do any kind of pre-writing? What do you do when you get an idea but don't have time to flesh it out right away?


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