
Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Big Letdown

For a lot of people -- particularly children -- December 26 represents a big letdown. After months and months of targeting Christmas Day, it seems to come and go in a flash. Once it is in the rear view mirror, the typical routine of life resumes unabated.

When I was a child, the annual letdown played a big role in my life. I'm fairly certain the letdown for me was greater than it was for others, owing to my uncanny autistic ability for tunnel vision and my generally obsessive personality. In fact, my malaise tended to start around noon of December 25 and lasted until the beginning of February!! It was about that time that my focus would shift to Easter. ;-)

Of course, since I no longer celebrate Christian holidays, I no longer have to worry about such proverbial deflations. Yesterday was a typical day in our household. We traveled to Aberdeen to do some grocery shopping. Later, my wife put in two hours of work with one of her clients. We ate regular meals at usual times and followed the general routine of any Saturday.

It was a good day...with no hangover to deal with now.

1 comment:

  1. People have lost the concept of the liturgical calendar...the 12 Days of Christmas...(Dec. 25 to Jan. 6) after which is something else until it turns into "ordinary time." This is a very Catholic/catholic concept, but I like it...and then comes Chinese New Year. There's always something to celebrate!


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