
Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Tao of Dark Sages - Chapter 4, Part 4

The Tao of Dark Sages
by Scott Bradley

Thank you, Sue-tzu. You are saying we should pursue our paths but not get so involved that we forget we are already what we hunger to be?

Yes. And honestly, I can see but one reason to pursue this awakening thing—because it feels good. If it’s not fun anymore what’s the point? Do you think the Tao gives a damn about whether you are awakened or not? Will being awakened better secure your existence after death? Paleeese!

All that awakening can do for you is make your brief life happier. And that’s good enough for me. But if we turn its pursuit into some kind of huge burden the whole point is lost. Happiness and joy are the goal. Let happiness and joy be the means.

Life is a wonderful adventure. Most people have made it a terrible burden. You have chosen to find freedom. You already are this freedom. Live it! Live this wonderful adventure of self-discovery in freedom. Win! Lose! Slay your dragons! Get torched by your dragons! It’s all part of the adventure. Affirm it all. And, in the end, none of it really matters.

Life is a process. Enjoy the process. Enjoy being you. Enjoy discovering your innate nature. If you are a butterfly, fly. If you are a caterpillar, crawl. Above all, have fun! This is your awaken-ing.

You have been pursuing the lover of your dreams. Now you have him or her in the sack. The chase is over; you have found your way. Now, have your way with him or her. Yes, the climax will be wonderful. And, ah yes, the post-coital peace will be luxurious. But don’t rush. Take your time. Enjoy the glorious process. Allow your journey of discovery to be as pleasurable as its consummation.

(A long pause. The chirring of grasshopper mating calls.)

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here.

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