
Monday, September 20, 2010

Why We Can't Catch Bin Laden

If you'll remember, the reason we attacked Afghanistan after 9/11 was to apprehend the shadowy figure of Bin Laden. Nine years later -- after countless deaths and amid much destruction -- he still hasn't been apprehended. Heck, at this juncture, we're not even sure if the man is alive anymore! So, how is it that the world's greatest military and intelligence structure couldn't track down one alleged criminal?

An article in today's Des Moines Register offers a clue. It seems our great intelligence apparatus is too busy tracking the comings and goings of peace activists!! We can't seem to figure out where a known terrorist is, but we do know what books Bill or Jenny checked out from the local library!
The FBI's surveillance of a protest group in Iowa City prior to the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., two years ago was far more extensive than initially reported, newly obtained FBI documents show.

Agents staked out the homes of political activists, secretly photographed and shot video of them, pored through their garbage, and studied their cell phone and motor vehicle records, according to records detailing the FBI's counterterrorism investigation.

Federal agents and other law enforcement officers also watched and documented the protesters' comings and goings at such places as the Iowa City Public Library; the New Pioneer Co-op natural foods store; the Red Avocado restaurant and the Deadwood Tavern; and the Wesley Center campus ministry of the United Methodist Church.

The FBI's nine-month investigation in 2008 is detailed in more than 300 pages of documents obtained through the federal Freedom of Information Act by David Goodner, a former member of the University of Iowa's Antiwar Committee, and provided to The Des Moines Register.

The heavily redacted records indicate the FBI believed the Iowa City activists were part of a national network of radicals intent on disrupting the Republican convention in St. Paul, as well as the Democratic National Convention in Denver. The agency apparently learned of the Iowa City group, known as the Wild Rose Rebellion, by monitoring its Internet site. Names of most of the activists were deleted from the documents before they were released.

Goodner, 29, of Des Moines, who participated in the St. Paul protests and who is named in the documents, said the records show the federal investigation was a waste of time and taxpayer money.

"There's no evidence presented in hundreds of pages that anybody with either the University of Iowa Antiwar Committee or the Wild Rose collective had any plans for anything other than a nonviolent, if confrontational, direct action street protest at the 2008 Republican National Convention," Goodner said. Most of the Iowa City activists did not attend the Democratic convention in Denver...
Peace activists are tracked all over the country. A few years ago it was discovered that the FBI had extensive files on a group of vegetarian grandmothers and a Quaker anti-war group.

Maybe, if they spent half the time and resources on hunting down those who want to commit violence against others as opposed to citizens wishing to exercise their right of free speech, they might be able to round up a few of them!


  1. sheesh! what a waste and an affront to our rights. it's true some protesters do become violent but holy shit, those methods go waaay beyond necessary precautions!

  2. I tend to believe the people who said they went to his funeral that first winter. There's definitely some supporting evidence...


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