
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Time and Time Again

Another evangelical pastor finds himself in hot water. Eddie Long, an avowed crusader against homosexuality, has been accused by two young men of having homosexual relationships with them.
On Tuesday, two young men who were members of Long's New Birth Missionary Baptist Church filed lawsuits claiming he used his position as their spiritual counselor to coerce them into sexual relationships.

The men -- Anthony Flagg, 21, and Maurice Robinson, 20 -- allege Long used a private spiritual ceremony to mark a "covenant" between them, with both becoming his "spiritual son."

Flagg alleges that Long then used that relationship to take him on overnight trips where they shared a bedroom and engaged in kissing, masturbation and "oral sexual contact."

Robinson, who claimed Long engaged in oral sex with him, said the pastor would cite Scripture to justify their relationship...
I certainly don't know if the allegations against Long are true or not, but judging from similar cases in the past, it won't be surprising in the least if they ARE.

I wrote on this topic once before. It's getting to the point in which, anytime I see a fundamentalist railing against the "evils" of homosexuality, I have a strong suspicion that the man himself is gay. Time and time again, this turns out to be the case.

It almost seems as if the fundamentalist men who wrestle with this issue the most are trying to atone for their "sin" by being the loudest and most outrageous critics. Since they can't seem to quiet their own internal demons, they act as if shouting about this horrible "sin" will somehow appease their god. All that tends to happen is that they eventually are exposed as A-1 hypocrites.

Rather than beating themselves up for being who they are, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could arrive at the day when this wouldn't be an issue at all? Instead of leading double lives with all the stress this must entail, wouldn't it be so much better to "come out" and find that no one cares?

I can dream of a better world, can't I?


  1. i actually think this will happen, it just needs time. i hope that exposure like this will continue to happen, and eventually people will stop making fun of and condemning homosexuals and start condemning people like this who use their self-righteousness to mask their own manipulative tendencies.

    i don't care one whit about whether this man is gay. what i care about is people using their power to force/coerce people into having sex, and people who condemn others especially if they themselves do the same thing.

    since this man has not been proven guilty against the alleged crime, i won't condemn him. however i already have no respect for him because of his adamant voice against homosexuality, and if this does turn out to be true, he will have my contempt.

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  3. I agree, Iktomi.

    It's already happened/is happening in big cities. It just needs to filter down to smaller, more conservative communities.


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