
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Tao of Dark Sages - Introduction, Part 2

The Tao of Dark Sages
by Scott Bradley

Introduction by the Buddha (con't)

Unfortunately, I am not alone in having had my simple message distorted beyond all recognition and used to justify every conceivable form of bondage and criminality. Moses is a great example. Today, we liberate ourselves. Tomorrow, we exterminate another race. Entirely justifiable, of course, since god told us to do it. We even get a repeat performance in modern times — I mean who are the Palestinians if not the remnant descendants of the Jebusites, Edomites, Philistines, Caananites and the rest of that lot?

Perhaps you are familiar with the shortest verse in the Bible? “Jesus wept.” I’ve got news for you, he’s still weeping. His message was so simple. So full of compassion and wisdom — albeit in bondage to the absurd theism of his culture. Yet, today we have the Religious Right asserting its power in his name. Half a million dead in Iraq and it ain’t over yet.

Mohammed, I have to admit, is a different kind of fish altogether. He is more a testament to the ability of one ego-maniac of very limited insight and no originality to enslave the mind of billions. The mind boggles. I can’t help but wonder, if God is so Great, why does he need a bunch of dimwits protecting his interests? At least those Taliban characters had the decency to blow up those monstrous statues of me in Afghanistan. I dare not say more — they can’t get to me, but Sue-tzu is still vulnerable.

Hinduism, I must admit, is dear to my heart. It is, after all, where I got my start. Nevertheless, it is no less a load of nonsense than the rest. But when you’ve got 300 million gods and goddesses to contend with, it’s hard to point the finger in any one direction. Still, consider the wonderful doctrine of ahimsa — absolute non-violence to all beings. Unless they are Pakistanis or your Muslim neighbor, of course. One must wonder who, among today’s spiritual teachers, will be tomorrow’s excuse for a New Age of religious madness. I do hope it isn’t Sue-tzu.

No doubt you are somewhat taken aback by this rant by the Buddha! Well, if I am to come back from the very brink of total annihilation in the bliss of Nirvana to speak with you, then I might as well get a few things off my chest.

And maybe now you will cast down your idols and grind them to dust. You see, it is all for your benefit. Consider me one of those bodhisattvas. If you are fortunate enough to be unfamiliar with bodhisattvas, allow me to fill you with more religious rubbish.

These are buddhas (yes, there are more of us — I like to call them my mini-me’s) — who, being so filled with compassion for you lot, have decided to postpone total annihilation in Nirvana until you can join them. They’ve got a long wait! So, consider me a bodhisattva. I have come back from the brink to help you on your path by way of introducing Sue-tzu’s tiny tome. And my message to you is the same as what I first gave: Eschew enlightenment! Believe Nothing! In Emptiness find your Peace.

And now I’ll add, if you meet Sue-tzu, kill her!

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here.


  1. This seems like a very familiar rant - the one where people are sure there is a better way and see that the core of all religious philosophies have this simple and lovely truth but the ganglia then attached to them reeks havoc.

    "..seemed to be more about justifying hate than the free wine and fish it had on offer..."

  2. PS Quoting Johnism and the cult of john COJ - in the above quote.


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