
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Tao of Dark Sages - Chapter 3, Part 4

The Tao of Dark Sages
by Scott Bradley

I think I understand what you mean by nonsense, but what are the beliefs fundamental to my existence?

Can you tell me what is your most basic belief?

I’m not sure. Belief in Cosmic Consciousness or something like that?

Belief in Cosmic Consciousness is essentially belief in God. And belief in God is essentially an attempt to provide a foundation for another far more fundamental belief. What might that be?

Belief in myself?

Exactly. Our most fundamental belief is belief in the existence of our own selves. Cut it away! There is no greater obstacle to emptiness than this belief.

Are you saying that I do not exist?

I am saying that you do not exist independent of the self that created you. I am speaking now of your ego-self. This is a creation of your self and has no existence apart from that which your imagination gives it. It is also the mother of all your other beliefs. The power of a belief is inversely proportional to the reality of that which holds the belief. The less substantial the believing entity, the greater its need for belief.

The ego-self is the mother or all belief because it is the least real thing about you. If we were to imagine belief as a serpent then the ego-self is a great mother snake nurturing within her coils a swarming ball of snakelets. Kill the mother and the rest will die as well.

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here.

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