
Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Tao of Dark Sages - Chapter 3, Part 2

The Tao of Dark Sages
by Scott Bradley

Now that we are at peace with our neighbors, we can realize that we are each one welcome here today. We are each one where we are. We are each one where we should be. Isn’t that a wonderful reality!

I presume we have appeared here together for a reason. Can anyone tell me what that reason might be?

Teacher, we have heard that you are enlightened.

Teacher? Am I a teacher? If so, I am a teacher with nothing to teach. Lao Tzu tells us that learning is a disease and our first task must be to learn to unlearn. How much more then, must teaching be a disease! God forbid that I should add to the vast accumulation of so-called knowledge that you must learn to unlearn. And god forbid that I would make objective knowledge of what has been gifted me intuitively. No, I am not a teacher. And if you see me as one who teaches then I am only a teacher because you seek a teacher.

No, I will not be your teacher. At best, all I can do is point you in a direction, the journey and destination are yours to discover.

But, Madam , are you enlightened?

Please call me Sue-tzu. I dwell in the abiding peace of joyful trust and affirmation. Is this being enlightened? I don’t know. You may call it what you wish.

When you point us in the direction you mentioned, is that where this experience of peace is to be found?

I do not know what you will find. I only know what I have found and how I found it.

Will you point for us now?

Yes, I can do that. But before I do, let me remind you that even this act is highly suspect. You are entirely responsible for your own journey. No one can give you a map. No one can make the journey for you. And, above all, no one can promise you either a certain end or success in achieving it. I will point for you now because we are gathered here spontaneously in this field and I find you gathered about me.

Where, then, do I point? I would point you to the land of nowhere in the realm of emptiness. I would have you find the abyss of nothingness and totter there in peril of total despair. Here is where your true journey begins.

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here.

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