
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Quite an Irony

It is perhaps telling that our closest allies in the United Nations on issues dealing with reproductive rights, one of the few issues where we cooperate with other nations, are Islamic states such as Iran. But then the Christian Right and radical Islamists, although locked in a holy war, increasingly mirror each other. They share the same obsessions. They do not tolerate other forms of belief or disbelief. They are at war with artistic and cultural expression. They seek to silence the media. They call for the subjugation of women. They promote severe sexual repression, and they seek to express themselves through violence.
~ from American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America by Chris Hedges ~
This book has been on my saved library list for quite some time. When I decided to launch The American Theocracy series, I decided it was high time I requested a hold on the book. It arrived yesterday.

I'm confident that you will be seeing more quotes from Hedges in the coming days and weeks. I really liked this one because it underscores that zealots from differing religions often have more in common than they like to think!


  1. I just requested American Fascists from my library.

  2. you might also be interested in the research of a professor in canada:
    Bob Altemeyer, "The Authoritarians", available free online at
    he's done a whole bunch of psychology studies on authoritarian personalities. the book backs up it's perspective with research, but still it's written for an intelligent lay-person, not psychology researcher.



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