
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Question: The Antichrist?

If you've watched or read the news much lately, you know there is a certain rabid portion of fundamentalists who have raised the specter that Barack Obama may be the antichrist. This ridiculous charge goes hand-in-hand with other accusations of our president being akin to Adolph Hitler or a socialist (two things that are antithetical to each other). Some, of course, believe he is a Muslim in Christian clothing.

What I can't understand is how these Christian zealots can square their accusations with Exodus 22:28. To wit,
Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people.
Disregarding the first part of this verse -- which presents some interesting problems of its own -- the second part seems to indicate clearly that followers are not to curse the leader of the government. In my mind's eye, referring to the President of the United States as the antichrist would certainly qualify as cursing!

It should be remembered that Christian fundamentalists hold that the Bible -- in its entirety -- is the unvarnished word of God. If God directs you to treat your leaders with respect and yet you strategically AND willfully choose to disregard this dictum, what does it say about your supposedly pious faith?


  1. The Bible even says Christians are to obey those who have the rule over them. (Romans 13)

    Of course the Bible is only applicable when Republican rule.

  2. since when do hellfire christians read the bible?

  3. In the Churches I pastored it was quite common to have people that read the Bible. (had devotions)Granted it was often a few verses a day. Very few Church members ever read the Bible through from cover to cover. The OT was a hard read for many people.



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