
Monday, September 6, 2010

Not That Namby Pamby Stuff

Yesterday afternoon I posted the lyrics and video to The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love" under the title, "The Counterbalance to Hate." I just want to make it clear that I am NOT referring to a namby pamby sort of love. The essence of genuine love is more than wearing flowers in your hair and flashing the peace sign at anyone who walks by!

And let's be even clearer -- living a life of love does not mean that we won't face travails, heartache, sickness and death. It doesn't mean everything will work out the way we want it too and it sure as hell doesn't mean we won't be involved in conflicts with ourselves and others. To believe such things is naive, at best.

People who live their lives with love as their foundation are open to new ideas and are forever eager to try to solve problems through peaceful and respectful means. They try to find ways to bring people together and to broker solutions that meet in the middle. They are humble individuals who both realize and acknowledge that they aren't always right and they feel no need in being boastful and parading their accomplishments in front of everyone else.

They represent the polar opposite of those who live their lives gripped by distrust, suspicion and hate. Hateful people don't want to hear new ideas and their idea of solving problems is to dictate the terms. They forge divisions and offer solutions that fall toward one extreme. They are anything but humble. In their mind's eye, only they represent the truth. They spend their time boasting about every little thing and dangle their supposed largess in everyone's face. Worst of all, instead of nurturing life, they foment death and destruction.

Interested in turning around our society, nation and planet?

All we need is love!

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