
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Eye in the Sky

Do beings from outer space exist? That's an age old question. Yesterday, some people who believe in the affirmative told their stories.
Seven former U.S. Air Force personnel gathered in Washington Monday to recount UFO sightings over nuclear weapons facilities in decades past – accounts that a UFO researcher says show extraterrestrial beings are interested in the world’s nuclear arms race and may be sending humans a message.

At a news conference at the National Press Club, the six former officers and one ex-enlisted man recalled either personal sightings or reports from subordinates and others of UFOs hovering over nuclear missile silos or nuclear weapons storage areas in the 1960s, '70s and '80s...I realize a lot of people will say this was nothing more than a publicity stunt; space aliens simply do not exist except in the mind's of crackpots, publicity seekers and loonies...
What do I think? I see no reason not to believe that there is intelligent life beyond our planet. If it could happen here, why not somewhere else?

Of course, the mainstream position is that there is no evidence whatsoever to support such beliefs. Each and every UFO sighting falls into one of two categories: a) It can be explained away through plausible human-caused or nature-caused rationale or b) It's a hoax.

I often buy both of these arguments. Probably a majority of these sightings fall into one or the other category. Still, even if EVERY single sighting could be explained away, that wouldn't explain away the innate possibility.

I think that the prime reason the very notion of "alien beings" is so pooh-poohed by the establishment is that it would seriously call into question the entire foundation of Christianity (other religions too).

For one thing, Christians believe that humankind was created in God's image. In other words, our species is the chosen one. But if a more advanced life form was found to exist, it would cause many to wonder if this new life form, not humans, were the ones created in the creator's image.

Another area of potential damage is the Bible itself. If alien beings made themselves known to all, many would ask why "God" failed to mention their existence in the Bible. As it stands now, it's bad enough that dinosaurs are listed nowhere in the Book of Genesis, but fundamentalists somehow squeeze around this patent omission. It would not be easy at all to explain away the lack of information on one or more life forms from beyond this world.

However, I think the biggest brouhaha would come when many wondered if they had been worshiping the wrong entity all along. What if God is not the creator, but these alien life forms are? What if they planted the seeds that sprouted up to become the world we now know?

I'm not suggesting that this is how things are. All I'm saying is that I'm open to the possibility. I see no reason not to be.

1 comment:

  1. What if the alien was a mushroom spore (colour (dark purple) hardness and more features make them able to withstand deep space)?

    What if the alien were so huge that our solar system passed between its atoms?

    What if the alien saw at such a frequency that there was nothing discernible here?

    What we are looking for is, in all of infinity, an alien that was about our size, shared similar senses, was a able to travel serious distances, and when it got here be pliable enough to not get upset that, even though we are hostile, we still want to be friends.

    Aren't such animals as the dolphin, gorilla, dog or lion magnificent examples of local aliens? similar enough to us that they breathe our atmosphere, have offspring, grow old, are about our size... yet we can't communicate with any of them.

    If an alien showed up that was similar to us, could communicate with us and show us a cool trick or two, then, what a let down. Soon we'd have laws on how they should be treated equally but they could not steal our jobs.

    Truly aliens are either so far beyond what we imagine (or desire) them to be that we'd not even notice their presence, or they are just different enough that war and politics would be the only game we played.


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